Hi All,
Just a short update this week. We’ve recently had a few inquires about compiling a Template Safety Statement for a Light Engineering Company. When these inquiries came in we were actually quite surprised that we hadn’t thought of that one ourselves! However we’ve now pulled it together and its on the Website for download. As well as the usual items you would expect to see like Welding, Cutting, Power Tools, Fire Safety, First Aid and so on, we added two very useful Permit Work Forms.
Many clients will have their own process for you to follow when on their sites. This is very sensible for them, as it ensures a minimum standard of protection for all contractors. From time to time though you will come across some clients who don’t have their own permit system but who will require you to carry out Hot Works or to Work in a Confined Space. Its on these occasions that our Permits come in to play. By using the Hot Works permit or the Confined Space Permit in the Safety Statement Template, you will be ensuring a minimum standard of protection for your own workers as well as your client.
As usual the Template Preview can be viewed here or on the Product Page. Light Engineering – Safety Statement Preview